CDL / DOT Physical Exams

Our doctors are FMCSA National Registry Certified Medical Examiners and have been since 2015. Most of our physicals can be done in 30 minutes or less.
DOT Exam Steps:
1) Fill out DOT exam information.
Make sure you bring your drivers license
Note: if you have an underlying medical condition additional paperwork may be needed. Please see the list below.
2) Complete your physical exam with one of our certified medical examiners.
Note: A urinalysis will be required for completion of the exam, please be ready to provide a urine sample (this is not a drug test).
3) We complete your certificate.
You will receive 2 copies of your completed certificate, one wallet sized and one full sized to take to the DMV.
A copy of your long form and certificate can be sent to any company.
We accept cash, card or pre approved company accounts.
If you have a medical condition you’re going to need some paperwork:
Diabetic Condition – Bring a list of medications and name of prescribing doctor.
High Blood Pressure - Bring a list of medications and name of prescribing doctor.
Heart Condition – If you’ve had a heart attack or cardiovascular disease, you’ll need to bring a copy of your last stress test.
Sleep Apnea – Bring a copy of your latest sleep test results, if you have one.
Medications – List all the prescription medicines you take, including strength and dosage. If you regularly take over-the counter medications, such as antacids or allergy pills, list them too.
Contact information – Have names and phone numbers of your doctors in case you need to call and have them fax missing information.